Monday, March 30, 2020

Peer to Peer Tutoring - What to Do If Your Child is Failing a Class at Their Georgia State University Campus

Peer to Peer Tutoring - What to Do If Your Child is Failing a Class at Their Georgia State University CampusIf you want to know what to do if your child is failing a class at their Georgia State University campus, then you should try out Peer to Peer Tutoring. Although many students do prefer to have a teacher, who is responsible for everything that is taught in the classroom, some students may struggle to learn while a teacher is also making notes and comments. If your child is having trouble learning how to do certain things or you are having a difficult time helping your child understand, then Peer to Peer Tutoring may be just what you need.There are two ways that you can enroll your child in the Peer to Peer tutoring program. You can either join as a tutor yourself or you can contact one of the tutors on a wait list. There are several advantages and disadvantages to each of these options.If you plan on joining the tutoring program yourself, then you will have to follow certain re quirements. You must be 18 years of age or older, speak and write English well and meet a few other requirements.These requirements are quite strict and they will take some extra time to complete the requirements. However, it is worth the time and effort. It is only after meeting all of the requirements that you will be able to start the tutoring program.If you decide to go through a tutor for the tutoring program, you will have to schedule a visit with the tutor. This will take place on the first week of your child's second semester. There will be some changes when you first start the tutoring program because you will be teaching and instructing your child at the same time.At first, your child will be nervous to be around you, especially if theyare not familiar with your name or how you conduct your business. As you continue your sessions and instructing sessions, your child will begin to relax. Your child will enjoy the interaction that you are able to share with them, which can b ring a whole new world to your child's education.There will be many things that your child will be able to teach you during the sessions and you will find that they are able to put their knowledge into small classes. Once your child has worked with you on a small number of subjects, they will be able to expand their lessons and the entire program will grow.Peer to Peer Tutoring can provide your child with an excellent educational experience. It is important that you choose a tutor carefully so that you are able to provide the best learning environment for your child.

Friday, March 6, 2020

King Mongkuts International Demonstration School

King Mongkuts International Demonstration School King Mongkuts International Demonstration School OUR VISION KMIDS students will be Masters of Innovation, full of inspiration and imagination. Our vision is to be a forward-thinking and leading international school that specializes in producing elite-level graduates who are motivated and ambitious stewards of the future, ready to contribute to a global society in a practical and positive way. As a recently-established international demonstration school in Bangkok, KMIDS is all-embracing of the challenges that come with developing outstanding learning opportunities forallstudents. Alongside a diverse and experienced academic team, our unique curriculum and extra-curricular activities have been designed to promote a vibrant, dynamic and progressive environment here at KMIDS. OUR MISSION Our mission is simple to embed a love of learning and help students to capitalize on their potential both inside and outside the classroom. In addition to this, we aim to: Be a leading international school in science and technology Incubate graduates who are, Imaginative, Innovative and Inspired the 3 Is. Create and develop our challenging educational system. Nurture learners with 21stcentury skills Instill among students moral and ethical practices, self-confidence and respect for oneself and others. OUR EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY Our educational philosophy is geared around ourDiscover Life, Discover Futuremissionthat ultimately reflects our deeply-rooted ethos and values. As a community, KMIDS is passionate about nurturing students who truly understand their prospects as leaders of tomorrow. Our hands-on and learning-by-doing approach accurately reflects KMIDSs pedagogy as we continually strive to provide students a platform to share their talents and efforts. Providing a safe and happy environment where students feel comfortable and open in expressing themselves. View our Brochure

What is Single Displacement Definition Chemistry?

What is Single Displacement Definition Chemistry?Single displacement chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the movement of molecules in a substance. It consists of three fundamental elements of chemical reactions: an anion (the atom that attracts an extra electron) and two cations, which are negatively charged atoms. The first two elements combine to make a compound or a substance by means of a chain reaction, where one element combines with another to form new compounds or substances. A single displacement is where a new compound or substance forms from the same parent molecule and not the existing one.You should know that the term single displacement might sound odd to you, but it is actually a popular term in chemistry. When you hear it, you should understand that it is a molecular substitution, a chemical process that is quite complex. The chemistry that creates a single displacement in a substance does not always involve moving one atom. Sometimes it involves two. In any case, this phenomenon has much to do with materials science.For example, when you put water into a normal environment, it turns into a liquid. However, if you put it into a glass, you will find that the liquid turns into ice. The mechanism behind this is that water molecules are unable to reach their resting place on the surface of the glass as they are attracted to it. The lone atoms are then forced to choose between the ice surface and this act of so called 'surface attraction' is known as a single displacement.Another great example of a single displacement is in the operation of photocells. An ideal lens takes photons from a bright light source and then focuses them onto a detector. If you are using a dark colored detector, then your dark lens would give you a bright image. However, if you use a bright detector, the dark lens would also be produced. In this case, the single displacement is created when the bright lens absorbs the light instead of allowing it to reach the detector.There are other ways in which the single displacement occurs, but it is most commonly found in the chemical changes of substances. A single displacement is caused by the application of heat. When a substance cools, one or more of its electrons become free. They are forced to change the substance's structure, and this change in structure is what creates a single displacement.As you can see, there are a lot of very different areas that can be affected by single displacement chemistry. You may have heard that this is a great way to add a life force into things, since the life force is such a vital component of life itself. Also, it can be used to create electronic devices that are made out of organic materials, which can have long-lasting effects in the long run.Single displacement chemistry can be applied to help you in many areas of science. This type of science can help you with the creation of materials, electronic devices, semiconductors, and even DNA. If you are interest ed in such a type of science, I recommend you take a look at it.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor Unit Cell

Organic Chemistry Tutor Unit CellIn my opinion, the best place to learn chemistry is from a tutor-unit cell. If you are trying to learn chemical and organic chemistry, this will be the place that you go to get your information from. A tutor will be able to help you go through the information and help you understand how the information is put together so that you can understand what it is that you are learning.To get you started, there are a couple of things that you should look for when looking for an organic chemistry tutor. The first thing that you need to do is to find someone who can give you his or her name and address so that you can contact them at any time. You need to know who the person is and you also need to make sure that the person is credible because in this day and age it is not uncommon for people to ask for personal information.The second thing that you need to look for in a tutor is experience. Sometimes, you can't just sit down and learn from someone who has been teaching for twenty years because it might seem like they have done the same thing that you are about to learn. If the tutor has more than ten years of experience, then you can usually consider that they are an expert.Another thing that you need to look for in a tutor is their educational background. It might be a good idea to ask if they have attended graduate school, attended a good high school or if they have a college degree. If they have some sort of technical training in the field of chemistry, then it will be much easier for you to study with them.When you look into a tutor, make sure that you also find out if he or she has one on one instruction. Usually, the tutors teach one on one and will come to you and guide you through all of the information that you are learning. It is not unusual for a tutor to tutor other students but only one at a time so that they can help you understand it all better.One of the things that you need to look for when you go to find a tutor is if th ey have access to a lab. Most labs have a lab technician that will accompany the tutor to the laboratory and he or she will also explain all of the equipment that is used to help you learn chemistry. There is nothing worse than going to a lecture and not being able to understand the information that is being given to you.Whether you are trying to learn organic chemistry by yourself or if you are going to take chemistry for a college level, you will benefit from taking a tutor unit. A tutor will give you the information that you need and they will give you the tools that you need to be successful. No matter how experienced a teacher you are, if you don't know how to go about studying, then you will not be successful.

Learning French Interview With Benjamin Houy of French Together

Learning French Interview With Benjamin Houy of French Together Megan L. If you want to learn to speak French like a native speaker, go straight to the source! Benjamin Houy is a native French speaker who has spent the last three years teaching French through his wonderful blog, French Together. French Together is one of my favorite blogs for learning French online, so I was absolutely delighted to get the chance to ask Benjamin a few questions. No matter what level youre at in your study of the French language, Benjamins insights are sure to be illuminating and inspirational! 1. Youve mentioned on your blog that traveling abroad to teach French was a life-changing experience for you. Would you like to share a little more about that experience? Sure. In 2012, I went to South Korea to teach French and English as part of the Service Civique (a volunteering program). I mainly decided to do that because I wanted to travel and discover a new culture, but I ended up enjoying teaching a lot. I stayed in Korea for six months, and this wonderful experience gave me the desire to live abroad and help people better learn languages. 2. What have you found beginning students struggle with the most when learning French? How do you recommend they overcome these obstacles? After teaching French to many students and talking to many French learners, I am convinced that the biggest struggle is motivation. Most students consider French to be a complicated language and simply dont believe they will ever speak it. This idea that learning languages is complicated and that one needs a special talent to succeed is the main reason why students fail. Thats a shame, because everyone can successfully learn French given the right tools and methods. What I would recommend French learners to do is to actually focus on how to learn French before they even start learning the language. Something as simple as using a Spaced Repetition Software would allow many students to double the amount of vocabulary they learn everyday for example. Many students also struggle with pronunciation, and thats completely normal when you learn a language you are not used to. The best way to improve your pronunciation and understanding of the French language is first of all to regularly listen to spoken French. Its also important to avoid simplified English pronunciation like bawnjour that are supposed to be easier for English speakers to pronounce. The problem is that these pronunciations are often far from the real pronunciation. If you learn them, English speakers may understand you, but French speakers wont. If you want to learn the pronunciation of a word, listen to a recording (you can find recordings on Forvo or Rhinospike), and try to imitate what you hear. You could even record yourself and compare the pronunciations. This takes more time, but you will be happy you did it when the time to speak comes. Talking about speaking, lots of French learners are terrified at the idea of speaking French. Again, thats completely normal. But its important to remember that speaking is one of the best (if not the best) ways to learn a language. When you speak French, you improve your listening skills, you train your brain to use the language, and you even learn grammar, because you automatically imitate what you hear and learn from the way people speak. Thats why I recommend French learners speak as soon as possible. If you know how to introduce yourself in French, you are ready! You can find people who will be happy to talk you via websites like Couchsurfing. Your first conversations will be short and slow, but you will quickly make progress. You may even make French friends and this could give you a huge motivation boost. 3. What has teaching French taught you about your language that you hadnt noticed before? It taught me a lot about the way the language works. As a native speaker, I never think about the construction of the sentences I use, I never wonder whether I should use le or la or whether a word is feminine or masculine. This all comes naturally. Teaching French taught me to care about that. I now take a lot of time wondering how the language works and taking notes when I find a great explanation of a concept so I can later use it to help make French easier to learn. 4. What is your favorite French lesson to teach? What do you enjoy most about it? Besides showing students how they can better learn French, I really enjoy grammar hacks. What I call grammar hacks are rules that make learning and understanding French grammar immediately easier. I love it when student can suddenly understand a concept and immediately apply what they learned. For example, many students never know whether a word is feminine or masculine. What they dont know is that the gender of French words is mainly determined by its ending, and that you can actually guess the gender of a noun with over 80% accuracy if you know what endings are masculine and what endings are feminine (you can find the list of endings here). I also enjoy teaching from real French, that is French the way its spoken by people in the streets. I like to use TV series or music to motivate students and then explain the different sentences. 5. What would your advice be to a student who is just beginning to learn to speak French and would like to one day become fluent? Believe in yourself. You may have failed at learning French before, you may think you are too old to learn a language, you may think French is simply too difficult. But the truth is, you can and will speak French fluently one day if you work hard and dont give up. Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  Miroslav Petrasko

Introverts Guide to Career Success - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Introvert’s Guide to Career Success - Introvert Whisperer Introvert’s Guide to Career Success In the perfect world career success would be logical. Raises, promotions, and job interviews would be based entirely on intellect and experience. Alas, we are humans and not Star Treks vulcans.  As humans, career success is more often than not a combination of hard facts, personality, and networking. As introverts, it can be tempting to simply rely on intellect and experience to progress your career, but that would be entering the career arena with a personally inflicted handicap.  Why? Personal relationships built through networking can open new opportunities far more efficiently than digging through job ads. According to NPR article A Successful Job Search: Its All About Networking, networking is vital because: Companies can be flooded with thousands of applications. 70% to 80% of jobs aren’t posted online. Businesses tend to hire family and friends that they trust if they can. Introverts, unfortunately, need to pro-actively include networking skills and activity into their daily  work life  to increase their chances of career success. Social Media. Social media can be an easier method for introverts to begin the difficult journey of networking in and out of the office. This particular skill and activity dont require face to face interaction, so it can be a far easier and less stressful means of social interaction. Minor warning: If your job requires you to build a social media presence, ensure that your employer realizes that you have ownership of the account. Individuals can begin networking via social media by: Regularly posting to one or two social media sites. Not just sharing, but engaging in conversations with people online. Engaging in Twitter Chats. On Twitter tweet utilizing trending hashtags. Pinpoint one or two influencers a week you want to begin building a relationship with. Interact with them and share their content. For more information, you should check out this guide on how to make it big with social media. Enhance Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence, also known as EI or EQ, is an individual’s ability to: Detect and respond to the moods, and motivations of others. Realize how your own values, beliefs, and moods are affecting your actions. Why is EI important? Introverts with a high EI and a low tolerance for interacting with strangers can be just as effective as social butterflies. Slow  and  steady  wins  the  race.  Its  not  the  frequency, to some extent that  you  speak to individuals,  but  the  quality  of  your  words. The good news is if you do have low EI that is a skill you can build. If you’re EI needs work, you can: Start to pay attention to the body language, facial expressions, and gestures of others. Monitor your own emotions, body language, and facial expressions. Reduce your stress. Jump into Work Activities and Groups. I know, I at least, as an introvert often have a hard time building relationships with one-on-one social interaction. I have found that a willingness to jump onto new teams, new committees, and engage in after work group activities can be a safe way to gradually break the ice with new groups of co-workers. While working with the same group can be comfortable month after month, continually throwing yourself into new groups allows you to eliminate the stress from approaching new people out of the blue to introduce yourself. You can utilize this method by: Volunteer for or accept requests that you join new teams or projects. Apply to new positions or departments within the organization. Sign up for after work activities. Volunteer to be on work committees. General Strategies to Interact With Co-Workers. There comes a time where you just need to take a deep breath, take a moment to psych yourself up and begin interacting with co-workers. Social media, high emotional intelligence, and group activities can only take you so far. Here are some strategies to begin forming relationships with co-workers: Keep an eye out for ‘work’ ice breakers. Work related questions, advice, or issues are a great means of naturally introducing yourself to unknown co-workers. Use different mediums. No one said all your interaction with co-workers needs to be face to face. You can use any combination of face-to-face, social media, and chat interaction as you build relationships. Volunteer to be a mentor or train for new employees. Begin to learn how to interact with individuals as a group and during team meetings. Do fellow employees a solid. Favors can facilitate stronger ties. Often individuals might feel indebted to you, so they’re more likely to think of you if an opportunity arises. Very few people succeed professionally alone. Career success, unfortunately, is an equal parts skill and networking. Introverts, while not always naturally inclined to network, need to seriously consider adding networking activities to their daily workflow. You won’t regret it. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Nail Your Audition for X Factor and More

Nail Your Audition for X Factor and More Megan L. Do you think you have what it takes to be Americas next big singing sensation? With shows like The Voice, The X Factor and American Idol holding their open castings, you might be thinking about grabbing that microphone and sharing your talent with the world. As you prepare for your audition day, take some tips from expert TakeLessons certified vocal instructors to make sure that you really shine on camera! Make sure youre mentally as well as vocally prepared for the competition.  Fawn A. in Los Angeles, CA says, Know who you are and be yourself! Along with being yourself comes knowing your story. These shows not only look for talent, but they want to know YOU. So I suggest you bare your soul. Write it all out on a piece of paper: What influenced you? What type of childhood did you have? What challenges have you faced? People are more likely to support you and want to hear more about you, the more honest you are. Jonathan P. in Brighton, MA suggests, Know your vocal/physical type. The producers dont want to fill up an  entire show with one vocal or physical type. If youre a rock singer, be  sure they can hear that, even when you are singing a pop or soul piece.  Consistency is marketable. Be careful to choose music and an outfit that  show you off.  Keep your sound consistent. It might be tempting to go  for it by choosing something at the edge of your technique, but that  strategy almost always backfires. In those high pressure  situations, youll be glad you picked music youre comfortable with. Vanessa L. in Ontario, CA agrees. She advises, Be confident in the song, dont pick a song that you have struggles with. You will be nervous enough without worrying about your song. Meaning, your rhythm, pitch and control of the song should be perfect. If there are any of those struggles it will be that much harder to audition. If you are confident, that will shine through and they will see what you wa nt them to see. Also, its important to be aware that audition day is likely to be long and challenging.  Michelle A. in Sherman Oaks, CA writes, Going in you want to be aware that there are  many rounds to these auditions that are never shown on television. When you  show up you will not necessarily be singing for celebrities right off the bat.  You have several rounds of auditions for various producers of the show before  you are even considered to perform in front of judges.  Most of the time, the call time for  these auditions is extremely early in the morning and they can last all day. Be  sure to go into the audition well rested. You may want to take along food, water and  something to keep you busy.  Each show has different audition  requirements and expectations. Before you get to the audition, be aware of everything the producers require you bring with you on the day. This might include paperwork, ID or birth certificates. Also make sure your vocal selections fit their requirements. Valerie W. in New City, NY shares her students experience auditioning and moving forward in the competition. Once your number is called, dont expect  to sing a full song. They want you to prepare a verse and a chorus of one song. Id suggest  having a couple more in your back pocket just in case! With my student Serena, we prepared a song that the producer didnt know but they liked how she sounded.  Luckily she had another couple of songs in her back pocket because they wanted to hear something else that they would know. Once she got her red slip to move forward, she had to wait to fill out lots of paperwork. She was then asked to come back 4 days later and to prepare 3 new songs! Online Auditions for The X Factor are open through June 15, 2013. Youll find a list of upcoming in-person auditions below: April 14, 2013 in New Orleans, LA April 25, 2013 in Long Island, NY May 14, 2013 in Denver, CO Are you auditioning for a singing competition? Share how you prepared in the comments! Megan L. TakeLessons Staff Member and Blogger You might also like Creating Your Brand As a Singer The Shy Singers Survival Guide Expert Audition Tips TakeLessons Exclusive! Photo by ImagePros.